Saturday, February 24, 2007

To Alter and Adorn 1

The urge is to alter and adorn...

Lately I've been taking Sammy (altered but unadorned,)for long walks and discovering just how much art, publicly and privately endowed, adorns our Seattle neighborhoods.

I'll be posting what I discover, and everything I post is guaranteed within walking distance of our house.

(Double click on any photo to enlarge.)

Nestled into the ivy...

Is is a frog, or is it Charles Laughton?

A Dream Catcher

The Dream Catcher wards off evil things, and displays the good.

Dream Catcher credits:

To be continued...

Friday, February 09, 2007

Pickle Nicole

The big news that I see
is that Anna Nicole's soul
has been set free

But I can't remember
who she was
or was meant to be,

I guess those are
the vagaries
of celebrity.

Today I read
that justice
wants her pickled,

To help discover
who had done
the diddled.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Brenda, Jay, and Randy at the Teahouse

Better late than never...the third of the August '06 Teahouse Concerts, and here Reggie introduces Brenda Bufalino, and Jay Clayton. Randy Halberstadt waits in the wings.

Kicked into gear, and away they go...

Brenda taking flight...

Faster than a speeding bullet...

A high flyin' solo of his own...

An hour later it's time for a well deserved ovation and bows...

The Rainbow Lady (without whom no concert is really complete,) and our brilliant producer Regina Rose...

All in all about 300 people visited the garden for the August concerts, and it's fair to say, "a good time was had by all."